Our VisionBy the Grace of God we will encourage and support Christians to apply the Kingdom of God principles to fulfil the purpose of God for their Health and to manage challenges during the period of ill health.Mat 6:33: ”But seek first His Kingdom and His righteousness and these things will be given to you as well”.
Our MissionIs to promote and extend the Kingdom of God through care &support to health of the people in His kingdom (within the
church and the community) Our Objectives1. To bring people including Health care workers into the Kingdom of God through interpersonal witnessing at work, workshop, seminar and conferences.
2. To promote the health of people in the Kingdom of God (within the church and community). 3. To provide physical and spiritual support to people in the Kingdom of God during the period of ill health. 4. To train and equip Kingdom of God people in Pastoral care related hospital visitation, home visit to the sick etc. |
Our Principles and ValuesThe Kingdom Health Ministry Principles and values are based on Mat 6 v 33 which requires all mankind to seek first the Kingdom of God and its righteousness and all other things will be added as well. KHM principles and values are:
Our Strategies
Our strategies will be based on the concept of the 4 legs of a table maintaining balance.
AppreciationThis Ministry will actively encourage kingdom people to show gratitude to Almighty God, health workers and institutions for our health. The story how Jesus responded to one of the 10
lepers who came to give thanks after they were all healed shows that appreciation/gratitude is a kingdom value (Luke 17:11-19). More importantly, it takes our healing from a realm of physical healing (which can be temporary) to spiritual healing which become and is permanent. We will be appreciating God through quarterly and end of the year thanksgiving for our health and testimonies of His healing power.We will hold regular breakfast meeting to show appreciation to individuals and institutions whose services has imparted positively on the health of people in God’s Kingdom |
InspirationKHM will inspire individuals, and group about the word of God, concept of the Kingdom of God, Kingdom values and
culture and about the divine obligation of our Lord through • Interpersonal witnessing • Seminars and workshops • Conferences These will be aimed at bringing the gospel to health professionals and therefore opportunity for entry into the kingdom of God. 2 Tim 3:16,17 “Every scripture is inspired by God and useful for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness, that the person dedicated to God may be capable and equipped for every good work.” |
Motivation and Support
Kingdom Health Ministry will motivates and support Kingdom citizens to promote health and prevent illness. It will also
provide support to Kingdom citizens during period of ill-health. This will be done through: • Providing information about specific illnesses • Health messages aimed at promoting health • Liaise, facilitate and participate in special prayer sessions/vigil dedicated to healing within the church and the community • Organising kingdom citizens into different groups for health actions-group exercises, • Hospital and home visits to kingdom citizens during period of ill health |
Networking and Partnership